The United States’ Interstate Highway System is a vital component of the nation’s infrastructure. It connects cities and states, facilitates commerce, and allows people to travel and commute. However, in recent years, America’s highways, particularly the federally-funded Interstate Highway System, has been in a state of disrepair. Potholes, cracks, and lack of maintenance will give your car a real workout. Some interstate roads have been allowed to deteriorate to an unbelievable degree. This situation is no accident. It is a deliberate attempt by the elite to keep the proles off the road, and is a blatant attempt to force these proles into electric vehicles with their inherent severe limits on range.

The Interstate Highway System was first introduced in 1956 to improve economic growth, national defense, and mobility. The system has been an enormous success, with over 47,000 miles of highways across the country. However, the maintenance of the highways has been neglected in the past few decades, and the infrastructure is breaking down.
At first glance, it may seem like this neglect is due to a lack of funding. However, upon closer inspection, it’s clear that the problem runs much deeper, and the reasons are much more insidious. The elite in power are intentionally withholding funds, deliberately avoiding necessary repairs, and failing to invest in infrastructure. This behavior has created a classist society where the wealthy and government-connected can easily traverse the country in luxury, while the rest of America is left to drive on dangerous and poorly maintained roads. If you live in a trailer park, you probably will not be commuting by private jet.
The American government, at both the state and federal levels, is guilty of conspiring to let the highways break down intentionally. Highways are crucial for working Americans to travel to work, school, or doctor’s appointments. By neglecting highway maintenance, politicians are limiting mobility and access for working-class people…they want to keep the proles off the road. This creates a convenient avenue for them to limit the public’s overall power, preventing their voices from impacting decisions on government policy. It is also part of a much larger plan to eliminate long-range gasoline vehicles from the country. Since the elite never live in the country (unless they visit their weekend home — then the trip is often made by private helicopter), they have no need for roads outside the range of their overpriced electric vehicles.
The current administration has demonstrated repeatedly just how little it cares about America’s infrastructure. Many of our roads, bridges, and highways are in a bad state and require urgent attention. However, despite countless proposals to improve infrastructure, the government is still resistant to investing in repairing the Interstate Highway System. Any money that happens to be spent spent on transportation is funneled into money-losing urban transit systems, which are run by more and more overpaid government employees. This neglect is seen as a deliberate effort by the elite who fly on government planes at taxpayer expense. Therefore, they have little first-hand experience of the hazards posed by broken highways, and they really could not care less.
The power-brokers claim lack of funds when presented with questions, but they have no trouble coming up with trillions of dollars to distribute elsewhere in the world.
The neglect of America’s highways has not only affected working-class people’s mobility and access to public resources, but also causes devastating economic and social impacts. Poor highway conditions can lead to expensive vehicle repairs, decreased vehicle miles traveled, and higher transportation costs, among other things. Residents living in under-served areas are also more likely to experience increased economic inequality due to new businesses setting up only in areas with better transportation access. Driving on poorly constructed and maintained highways is a prescription for a death wish, which disproportionately impacts poorer families and communities.
In conclusion, there is a dire need for investment to be put into America’s highways. The repair bill is said to be too high, but the consequences of trying to keep the proles off the road and ignore this fundamental piece of infrastructure will be much more expensive in the long run. The elite conspiracy to let America’s highways crumble is a critical issue that must be addressed. Politicians and citizens alike must demand more investment in America’s infrastructure to ensure mobility and access to public resources for all Americans.