Nestled in the rich and fertile hills southeast of modern-day Naples, Italy, stood the greatest and most magnificent cities of the mighty Roman Empire – Pompeii. The prosperous and flourishing state was known for its lavishness and unbridled sexuality. The city was the hub of lurid pleasures, architectural brilliance, and the most opulent lifestyles imaginable. It was the Hollywood of the ancient world. Eroticism permeated every corner, and Pompeiians had a legendary romance with nudity, coarse language, and debauchery. It all came together in the last Pompeii orgy.

One of the last surviving glimpses of the city we now have are the great roman frescoes that capture the oiled-up life of Pompeii. They show voluptuous and stunningly beautiful woman gazing at the viewer with a seductive smile, as well as many images portraying various forms of sexual desires. These paintings may hint at the kind of lifestyle Pompeiians lived, but they don’t begin to capture how far the city’s hedonism went.
On August 24th, AD 79, Mount Vesuvius erupted and destroyed the city of Pompeii. For over a thousand years, the city and its buried secrets lay in the shadows, untouched and forgotten. The ruins were rediscovered in the 16th century. From then on, investigations into the life of Pompeii’s inhabitants, particularly their sexual habits, have never ceased.
The last orgy in Pompeii remains shrouded in mystery, but historians have pieced together what little information there is. The smell of incense and smoldering cannabis was intense, and the sound of laughter and rowdiness spilled from luxurious houses. Women in gowns would sneak out at night with men in disguise, and no one stopped them or cared. Women were known to have much stronger sex drives than men, and they needed to be satisfied with multiple orgasms.
The leaders of the group sex and debauchery in Pompeii were generally the wealthy upper-class. The hosts of the orgy would have been people of authority, wealth, and influence, while the guests of the orgy were often people of lesser status. The orgy leaders got a big thrill out of titillating members of the lower classes, and they enjoyed exhibiting their sex organs to them.
The sex acts performed during these orgies were incredibly graphic and hedonistic. Group sex and oral sex were staples of any orgy in Pompeii, but the Romans took it to a whole different level. In addition to the mainstream sexual acts, they also engaged in anal sex and homosexual acts.
One of the most tragic and horrific moments in the history of Pompeii was the rape of virgins – this was customary in orgies. Even though Pompeiians never wrote about it openly, there was significant evidence discovered in dissected remains of unearthed skeletons that confirmed the occurrence of non-consensual sex in orgies. No virgin was immune to the randy advances of the turned-on wealthy. Nothing was held back in the last Pompeii orgy.
The last days of Pompeii were filled with terror, and this was never more representative than in the final days of the town’s inhabitants. In classic Pompeiian fashion, the last day involved throwing the wildest party. Because the gigantic hot phallic discharge of the volcano was quite a surprise, they had no idea what catastrophe awaited them.
The actual reason for Pompeii’s demise is still quite controversial. Some historians suggest that other events like earthquakes and tsunamis might have caused it. Others believe that the volcanic explosion was entirely responsible for its destruction, which is why almost everyone was found in the position they were in before the eruption, often in the throes of physical love as they hungered for their final orgasms.
In conclusion, Pompeii was arguably one of the most sexually liberated cities in the world’s history, and orgies were part of a significant lifestyle in the city. They were frequent, lavish, and destructive, and nothing appeared to stand in their way. The tragedy, of course, is that the people of Pompeii never knew that they were living on the brink of disaster, and their lives, with all their licentiousness, ended so suddenly.